Woof and Hello,
Does anyone read this blog? I didn't think so. Oh well, I like writing so I'll continue blogging just for fun. But if anyone out there is actually reading this, four legged or otherwise, send me a quick email, or post a comment! That would really make my day.
I do have some interesting news today...CHOWDER, the book about me, will be a recommended holiday gift by Martha Stewart on her tv show! Isn't that crazy?! Sadly, I'll be unable to make an appearance because I have an important match to play in my kickball league. But I'll Tivo the show. It'll be on in most areas this Thursday (12/14/06) at 10 am on NBC, but check your local listings and tune in!
Ok, I need to go practice my base running for the big kickball match.
Slobberingly yours,
Does anyone read this blog? I didn't think so. Oh well, I like writing so I'll continue blogging just for fun. But if anyone out there is actually reading this, four legged or otherwise, send me a quick email, or post a comment! That would really make my day.
I do have some interesting news today...CHOWDER, the book about me, will be a recommended holiday gift by Martha Stewart on her tv show! Isn't that crazy?! Sadly, I'll be unable to make an appearance because I have an important match to play in my kickball league. But I'll Tivo the show. It'll be on in most areas this Thursday (12/14/06) at 10 am on NBC, but check your local listings and tune in!
Ok, I need to go practice my base running for the big kickball match.
Slobberingly yours,
Chowder! You da dog!! I just picked up your book and will be sending it to my niece who lives in London, England. Which should be great cause they love their bulldogs over their, right? In fact, my brother and his family live right by the town where Winston Churchill had his home. The original English bulldog himself! I hope there are many more books about you to come, as I'm sure they'll be just as great.
Hi Chowder!
We got your book for XMas and are overjoyed to have you in our library! We missed you on Martha, like you we were busy outside.
Thanks for the laughs!
Hailey & Kaira
hello chowder. I read your wonderful blog.
We absolutely read your blog! We bought a case of your book and gave it to all our relatives for Christmas. Our little girl LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEESSSSS the book and we have read it MANY times, she keeps asking to go to the food ranch, we keep telling her it is too far away, or not open.
Hi Chowder!
My name is Emmet and I am a 3 y/o Old English bulldog - and I love your book! I just sent a copy to my dad Jason who is serving in Afghanistan for a year. I hope it makes him think of me!
Looking forward to reading more of your posts!! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!
Hey Chowder! Hey Peter!
Way back in December I happened to catch Martha talking about your book. It looked like something my nephew would like so i headed off to borders to check it out.
This is an awesome book!
The story and illustrations are just amazing. In fact, I picked up two copies. One for my nephew (he loved the book too!) and one for me and my imaginary Boston Terrier named Simon.
Can't wait till the next Chowda book comes out! And Peter--keep blogging!
Derek (and Simon too!)
I read your blog!! Don't stop blogging...your friend Rose (English Bulldog) enjoys the updates.
Very excited to find the Chowder blog. My 2-year-old daughter LOVES both "Chowder" and "Flight of the Dodo." Can't wait for Peter Brown's next work to appear!
I am not reading this blog.
I don't believe you Martha Rich...if that is you REAL name!
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